

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

# 1 Home Repair Problem Solver

I get a lot of calls from people that have issues with something around their house but I don't do that kind of work. Even though I can't fix their problem my solution skills help them out. Here is an example, a woman called me a couple of weeks ago and told me her washer stopped working. I told her I don't fix washers and at the same time I've had my washer fixed and learned the ends and outs of washer repair. First I told her if its not spinning your belt must be broke and if your belt is broke the transmission is not to far behind from breaking also. Then I proceeded to tell her that you can buy a used washer for $150. Then something clicked in my head to ask her how old the washer was, she answered 3 years. Then I said your best bet would probably be to get an extended warranty so the washer machine will be covered for a long period of time. She answered that's exactly what I'm going to do. Didn't fix the problem but came up with the solution.
# 1 Home Repair Problem Solver


  1. I need a super handy man for my home because of my washer repairs seems to never work I always need to get it repaired every 6 months.

  2. Very nice!! there is so much information on this blog keep posting good information like this so that I can come back every day for some new info...


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